Monday, March 19, 2007

Cafe Marly- Beverly Hills

A few weeks ago, GameBoy’s roommate (Beta), his friend Enchanted Forest, and my friend M joined GameBoy and I on our usual Sunday brunch at Café Marly. Despite its location in the heart of Beverly Hills, it’s surprisingly charming and homey, and not too stuck up. In addition, parking at the meters is free on Sundays.

I ordered the Brie Sandwich, which comes with either a green salad or French fries (Additional charge). I chose the fries, which come sprinkled nicely with dill, and a cute container of mayonnaise. There's also ketchup, for those people that have not yet acquired the European taste for mayo with fries. Instead of my usual hot chocolate, I got coffee this time, having decided I needed an caffeine boost later.

GameBoy got his usual, two eggs over medium with white toast and extra-crispy bacon. The eggs come with yummy breakfast potatoes and a nice fruit selection of strawberries, kiwi, and pineapple. I especially like it when he orders this, since I get to eat his kiwi! GameBoy, of course, got his usual coffee black.

M ordered a combination of half a sandwich, green salad, and a cup of French onion soup. Even though they soup is recommended by a newspaper review on the wall, M pronounces it too salty, which reinforces my prior negative opinion of it. It may be authentic, but to me, it’s just not good. M enjoyed his half of a pan bagnat, which looked like a tuna sandwich to me. I’m not usually a big fan of anything with cooked tuna, preferring it as sashimi, but it is supposed to be authentic, so perhaps I’ll try it sometime soon. He washed this down with first an Orangina, then a mimosa.

Since Beta and Enchanted Forest arrived later, I forgot what they ordered, but they did seem to enjoy it. Another good dining experience!

Date of visit: 3/18/07

Cafe Marly

9669 Santa Monica Boulevard

Beverly Hills, CA 90210-4303


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